Cabarroguis, Quirino
The name of the Barangay Dibibi is of unknow origil, however, there is a old fols passed verbally from generation to generation.
During the pioneering og this thick forest maountainof our brother Bugkalots, a group of American Missionaries ventured the place and they met a mother carrying her baby. The American asked the mother about the name of the place. But since the mother could not understand their language, she just kept on communicating through sign language that made the bay awake and started crying. The baby got the attention of the American uttering “oh, the baby is crying”. The American Missionaries put this experience in their diaries and calle the place “The Baby”. The name Dibibi has a spelling evolution from Dabibi, then Debibi and, at present, Dibibi.
Barangay Dibibi was officially created on march 7, 1964 by virtue of Resolution No. 26 -S- 1964 of the Municipal Council of Diffun, Nueva Vizcaya. This is a response to the petition of setlers dated March 7, 1964 headed by Bario Captain Alfredo Bencio to former President Diosdado Macapagal through the Commission on National Integration (NCI) heade by Leonardo B. Perez, former Assemblyman of Nueva Vizcaya by that time, the setlers declared their farm lots in the Municipal Assessor’s Office of Diffun, Nueva Vizcaya.
In 1965, the Municipality of Aglipay filed the Resolution No. 17 dated August 5, 1965 to the Province of Board of Nueva Vizcaya claiming the Bario Dibibi as their territory and Jurisdiction. The Petition was successfully accomplished through effort of Mayor Jose B. Aquino.
June 21, 1968, the Republic Act 5554 creating the Municipality of Cabarroguis named and honor of the late Leon Cabarroguis, former Congressman of Nueva Vizcaya. Being a newly created Municipality, it was still under the process of procurement of the office facilities that is why Dibibi is still under the Municipal Government of Aglipay.
It was in the early 70’s that Dibibi is under the Municipal Government of Cabarroguis.

Cabarroguis, Quirino
➤ Legal basis of creation: REPUBLIC ACT 5554
➤ Date of Ratification/Plebiscite: March 7, 1964
➤ No. of Registered Voters: 2, 149
➤ No. of Precincts: 9
The Barangay DIBIBI is more or less 10 kilometers from Centro/Poblacion bounded by the following barangays:
➤ North: Barangay BURGOS
➤ South: Barangay TUCOD
➤ East: Barangay DINGASAN
➤ West: Barangay CALAOCAN
☑ Rural
☐ Urban
☑ Upland
☐ Agricultural
☐ Industrial
☐ Lowland
☐ Fishing
☐ Others (specify)
☐ Coastal
☐ Commercial
Total Land Area in hectares: 3,491.2367
➤ Residential: 25% (872.75) (for valdition)
➤ Agricultural: 51.3% (1790.883) (for valdition)
➤ Commercial: 4.7% (164.077) (for valdition)
➤ Others: 19% (663.29) (for valdition)
Total Income: Php 4,049,000.00
➤ Internal Revenue Allotment: Php 3,920,400.00
➤ Local Source:
RPT Share: Php 30,000.00
Fees & Charges: Php 70,000.00
➤ Others: Php 29,000.00
➤ Farming: 75%
➤ Laborer: 10%
➤ Business: 6%
➤ Employed: 6%
➤ Others: 3%
➤ Population (Source: ☐NSO ☑RBI)
Number of Male: 1,976
Number of Female: 1,719
Total: 3,595
➤ Number of Families: 989
➤ Number of Households: 869
➤ Number of Labor Force:
➤ Number of Unemployed: 131
➤ Roman Catholics: 30%
➤ Penticostal: 25%
➤ Baptist: 15%
➤ Evangelical: 10%
➤ Others: 20%
➤ Quirelco (Electric Cooperatives):
Number of Families with Access to Electricity: 830
➤ Others (Solar):
Number of Families using Solar: 25
Number of Families with Access to Potable Water:
➤ First: 730 Number
➤ Second: 0
➤ Third: 0
Tricycle, Private Vehicle, and Motorcycle
Mobile Phones ( TM, TNT, SMART, GLOBE)
No data yet
No data yet
No data yet
No data yet
Awards / recognition received by the barangay officials and employees
Municipal Level Top 2 in Information of Public Health Program Initiative
Every May 25th of the Year

Cabarroguis, Quirino
"The Barangay Government of Dibibi as a Public servant shall be at all time accountable, sincere, alert, and open minded in implementing all programs of the government in order to insure efficiency of front liner service for the people and for the General welfare of the next Barangay Generation."
"Barangay Dibibi a producer of quality fruit bearing trees, abundant banana, corn and rice supply for a clean and safe environment through united, peaceful, healthy, law-abiding community and just, commited and God-fearing leaders towards a progressive Barangay."

Cabarroguis, Quirino

Cabarroguis, Quirino
Punong Barangay / Barangay Captain
Address: Purok 4, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino:
Contact No.: 0977 150 1317
Sangguniang Barangay Member / Barangay Kagawad
Address: Purok 2, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino
Contact No.: 0963 172 9942
Sangguniang Barangay Member / Barangay Kagawad
Address: Purok 5, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino
Contact No.: 0997 701 7175
Sangguniang Barangay Member / Barangay Kagawad
Address: Purok 8, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino
Contact No.: 0997 069 4650
Sangguniang Barangay Member / Barangay Kagawad
Address: Purok 3, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino
Contact No.: 0936 788 2917
Sangguniang Barangay Member / Barangay Kagawad
Address: Purok 2, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino
Contact No.: 0912 749 2343
Sangguniang Barangay Member / Barangay Kagawad
Address: Purok 2, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino
Contact No.: 0918 787 3355
Sangguniang Barangay Member / Barangay Kagawad
Address: Purok 1, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino
Contact No.: 0948 861 5985
SK Chairperson
Address: Purok 2, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino
Contact No.: 0970 193 5459
Barangay IPMR (Indigenous Peoples Mandatory Representative)
Address: Purok 2, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino
Contact No.: 0970 193 5459
Barangay Secretary
Address: Purok 2, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino
Contact No.: 0910 616 7184
Barangay Treasurer
Address: Purok 2, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino
Contact No.: 0948 416 2953

Cabarroguis, Quirino

Cabarroguis, Quirino

Cabarroguis, Quirino
01. A Resolution confirming the appointment of Mrs. Milagros B. Kiligge as the New Barangay Secretary of Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
02. A Resolution earnestly requesting Hon. Dakila Carlo E. Cua, Governor, Province of Quirino, to kindly allocate fund for the purchase of Fifty pieces with complete set solar lights for Barangay Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
03. A resolution earnestly requesting Hon. Dakila Carlo E. Cua, Governor, Province of Quirino, to kindly appropriate funds for additional monthly incentive of Barangay Tanod of Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino in the amount of Sven Hundred Thirty Pesos (730.00) each per month with sum total of One Hundred Forty Thousand Pesos One Hundred Sixty Pesos (140,160.00) chargeable from the Barangay Regular Fund ( BRF) for fiscal year 2023.
04. Resolution earnestly requesting Hon. Dakila Carlo E. Cua, Governor, Province of Quirino, to kinldy allocate fund for purchase of Two Hundred Fifty (250) bags of cement and five (5) loads of gravel for continuation of road concreting at Purok8, going to Upper Dibibi Elementary School, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
05. A Resolution appropriating the amount of Six Hundred Thousand Pesos (600,000.00) Priority Development Initiative (PDI) for Cy 2023 from LGU Cabarroguis for rehabilitation of wáter system at Purok 2, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
06. A Resolution requesting the General Manager of the OceanaGold Philippines, Inc. (OGPI), Didipio, Kasibu, Neva Vizcaya for the services of equipment for regrading and spot gravelling of the risk portion of Provicial Road from Km. Zero “0” to the Boundary of Barangay Dibibi and Tucod, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
07. A Resolution requesting Hon. Avelino N. Agustin Jr., Municipal Mayor, Cabarroguis, Quirino to kindly allocate fund amounting to Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php 500,000.00) for the conreting of Farm To Market Road at Magpale Street, Purok 3 Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
08. A Resolution of the Barangay Nutrition Council (BNC) Adopting the 2012 Nutrition Guidelines for Filipinos.
09. A Resolution eranestly requesting Hon. Dakila Carlo E. Cua, Governor, Province of Quirino, to kindly allocate fund for monthly allowance of Mrs. Rowena B. Balauro, Volunteer Kindergarten Teacher at Upper Dibibi Elementary School, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
10. Resolution earnestly requesting Hon. Avelino N. Agustin Jr., Municipal Mayor of Cabarroguis, Quirino to kindly allocate fund for the monthly allowance of one (1) Volunteer Kindergarten Teacher, Mrs. Rowena B. Balauro, presently serving at Upper Dibibi Elementary School, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
11. Resolution of the Barangay Approving the Revised 5-Year Social Development Managment Plan (SDMP) Covering the Period 2023 – 2027 Endorsed by the Development Council.
12. Resolution of the Barnagy Coucil to Variate the Project “Constraction of 2-Storey Building Phase 2/Completion of Evacuation Center” to Complete the Barangay Site Crib Wall and its Railings.
13. Resolutionof the Barangay Development Council (BDC) Endorsing the 2023 Additional Fund for the Social Development Management Program (SDMP) to the Barangay Council of barangay Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino for addoption and approval.
14. Resolution of the Sanguniang Barangay Adopting and Approving the 2023 Additional Fund for the Social Development Management Program (SDMP) endoresed by the Barangay Development Council (BDC) of Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
15. A Resolution of the Barangay Council of Dibibi Cabarroguis, Quirino informing Ma;am Floreen D. Pasiculan, STAE Auditor III, Commision on Audit (COA) for the re-designing oof our old Barangay Office Building Constructed under the PLGU Fund Year 2006 and to be connected to the new two- Storey constructed barangay office building at present funded out of SDMP Fund.
16. A Resolution of the Barangay Council of Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino, requesting Hon. Dakila Carlo E. Cua, Provincial Governor of Quirino Province to kindly reléase the amount of Thirty Thousand Pesos (30,000.00) for food accomodation during synchronized Barangay Assembly Meeting of barangya Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino on March 24, 2023.
17. A Resolution requesting Madam Marivic Manantan, Municipal AGriculture Officer (MAO) of the Municipality of Cabarroguis, Quirino, to kindly continue the geotagging activity og tis Barangay for all the farmers registered with RSBSA within the Barangay Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
18. A Resolution of the Barangay council authorizing Hon. Nelson R. Dumaga, Barangay Captain of Barangay Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino to represent Barangay Local Government Unit and transact any oficial business in beahlf of the Barangay Public welfares, deferendants on lot number 1528 known as clinic site case number 451 filed at the municipal trial court by Maria Padayao Dela Serna, plaintiff.
19. A resolution requesting the General Manager of the OceanaGold Philippines, Inc. (OGPI), Didipio, Kasibu, Nueva Vizcaya for repair of the damaged end portion of Dibibi, Cbarroguis, Quirinoas early as posible.
20. A Resolution of the Barangay Council requesting Hon. Dakila Carlo E. Cua, Governor of Quirino Province to kindly allocate fund for the concreting of road at Purok 3, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
21. A resolution authorizing Hon. Nelson R. Dumaga, Punong Barangay of Barangay Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino to enter deed of sale for the purchase of one (1) unit rescue vehicle charged to the 2022 Social Development Management Plan (SDMP) Fund.
22. A Resolution approving five (5) Year Barangay Diasater Risk Reduction Management fund and its utilization for the year 2023 – 2027 of Barangya Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
23. A Resolution Adding the Remaining Balance from Acquisition of Computer with Printer amounting to Fifty-Three Thousand Four Hundred Fifty-one and 79/100 (53,451.79) to the Utilized Fund from Improvement of Barangay Health Center Amounting to Sixty-Five Thouasand (65,000.00).
24. A Resolution Authorizing No. Nelson R. Dumaga, Punong Barangay for this Barangay to entoer into sign and execute a Memorandum of Agreement wiht OceanGold Philippines, Inc. For the Implementation of the Five (5) Year SDMP Plan covering the Years 2023 – 2027 as approved by the Mines and Geosciences Bureau under Certificate of Approval SDMP # 090-2023-01II Issued on April 14, 2023.
25. A Resolution realigning the Financial Assiatance for the Livlihood Projects of Religious Group Amounting to Sixty Tousand Pesos (60,000) to be added on the Accumulated Savings for the Rehabilitation of Hanging Footbridge at Purok 5,7 and 9.
26. A Resolution Realigning the Administrative Operating Expenses Fund from Year 2022 to 2023 with a Total of Thirty-Five Thousand Five HUndred Ninety-Four and 47/100 ( 35,594.47) as additional Budget of Support to General Assembly Meeting for the Year 2023.
27. A Resolution Realigning the Amount of Ninety-Three Thousand Ninety-Four and 50/100 (93, 094.50) from training and seminar for the Trainings and Seminar of Adivay tau Farmer’s Association and Rehabilitation of Hnaging Footbridge at Purok 5, 7 and 9 amounting to Fifty Thousand (50,000.00) and Forty-Three Thousand Ninety-Four and 50/100 ( 43,094.50), respectively.
30. Resolution of the Sanguniang Barangya approving and adopting the reprogrammed, realigned and continuing programs, projects and activities (PPAs) funded under hte unspent Budget of 2021 and 2022 Social Development and Management Program (SDMP) of Barangay Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino and endorsing the same to the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) Region II for the issuance of certificate of Approval.
31. A resolution earnestly requesting the General Manager of Ocenagold Philippines Inc (OGPI) Didipio, Kasibu, Nueva Vizcaya for the conduct of f Medical Mission such as Dental, Pedia and Medical with medicines on the 23rd day of May 2023 for the 53rd Founding celebration of Barangay Fiesta of Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
32. A resolution earnestly requesting Hon. Dakila Carlo E. Cua, Provincila Governor of Quirino to kindly provide two hundred bags of cement and thirty cubico f gravel and sand for the concreting of farm to market road at purok 3, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
33. Resolution creating the Barangya Project Management Team who Will ne tasked to develop the comprehensive Barangay Juvenile Intervention Program (CBJIP) of Barangay Dibibi, and oversee its implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
34. A resolution earnestly requesting the General Manager of the OcenaGold Philippines, Inc. (OGPI) Didipio, Kasibu, Nueva Vizcaya to kindly allocate fund for the construction of box culvert one way, km2 + 100 at Purok 4, and basket riprapping of canal-lining, km4 +200 to km5, Purok 5, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
35. A resolution of the Barangay Council of Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino humbly endorsing additional contractor to the Good office of the general Manager of the OceanaGold Philippines Inc. (OGPI), Didipio, Kasibu, Nueva Vizcaya in the person/name of 30T JACK Construction and with a Postal/name adress at Hepolito Street Purok 7, Andress Bonifacio, Diffun Quirino.
36. A resolution earnestly requesting the General manager of OceanaGold Philippines, Inc. (OGPI) Didipio, kasibu, Neva Vizcaya to kindly alloctae fund for consyruction of flood control, riprapping of barangay road side along Dibibi river going to Loacan Elementary School, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino and connecting to Barangay Calaocan, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
37. A resolution earnestly requesting the General manager of OceanaGold Philippines, Inc. (OGPI) Didipio, kasibu, Neva Vizcaya to kindly alloctae fund for the extensión of box culvert at Km4 +500 at Purok 5, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
38. Resolution of the Sanguniang Barangay approving and adopting the Re-Programmed, re-aligned and continuing programs, projects and activities (PPAs) fundedn under the Budget of 2019, 2021 and 2022 Social Developmet Management Prohram (SDMP) of Barangay Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
40. A resolution adopting the priority Development Initiative (PDI) Municipal Fund CY 2024 amunting to Eight Hundred Thousand (800,000.00) pesos for continuation of Barangay road connceting at Purok 2 goin to cemetery site, Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
41. A resolution Appropriating the savings for 2023 in the total amount of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos for the purchase and istallation of Street lights nearby the hanging foor bridge particulary at Purok 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 of Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
42. A resolution of the barangay council authorizing Hon. Josie D. Binlayan, Barangay kagawad to execute the liability waiver for anf on behalf of the barangay Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino.
52. A Resolution Authorizing Hon. Nelson R. Dumaga, Punong Barangay of Dibibi, Cabarroguis, Quirino to represent the Barangay Local Government Unit (BLGU) and file the Appropriate Expropriation Proceedings Pursuant to Barangay Ordinance No. 61 Series of 2017.